Not Working?
Disable Your Pop-up Blocker for This Page:
- Look at the search/address bar. On the right end there is a small icon with a red ‘X’ on it.
- Click on this icon and select “Always allow popups from” and click done.
- Click on “Tools” in the top menu (if the top menu isn’t displaying you may need to right click the blank space above the address bar and make sure that “Menu” has a check mark next to it)
- Click on “Options”, then select the “Content” tab
- There should be a checkbox with the description “Block pop-up windows.” Click the button at the opposite end that says “Exceptions”
- type ‘’ (no quotations) and press the “Allow” button. Close this window then click “OK.”
Internet Explorer:
- Click on “Tools” in the top menu (if the top menu isn’t displaying anywhere you may need to right click the blank space above the address bar and make sure that “Menu” has a check mark next to it).
- Move the cursor over the menu option for “Pop-up Blocker”, then click on “Pop-up Blocker Settings.”
- Type ‘’ (no quotations) in the “Address of website to allow” field and press the “Add” button and close!
Opening Multiple URLs Slows Down My Computer
This is expected. You may need to bulk open URLs in smaller batches if your system is slowing down too much. To find a good threshold for your computer it may be helpful to open up Task Manager (for PC) or Activity Monitor (for Mac). Task Manager (PC) can be opened by pressing CTRL + ALT + DELETE at the same time then clicking on “Task Manager” and selecting the “Performance” tab. Activity Monitor (Mac) is generally in Applications > Utilities > All Processes.